I've come to the conclusion that I am just pensive by nature, and I'm ok with that. I think a lot (which may or may not be a good thing), but I've found that through my thinking, I get understanding. In my search to find truth to questions of equality and social justice, I've learned quite a bit about myself and those whom I've considered to be valid instruments of reason. In the months that I've been out of school, I've attempted to prevent brain atrophy through reading books and visiting weblogs that promote thought and awareness. The knowledge that I have acquired through these venues is insurmountable. I mean, it's great: I can pretty much read up on any issue that is puzzling me at the moment and get several differing views on that one issue. On the other hand, these differing opinions make it difficult to discern which one is the most trustworthy. I have a tendency to introduce skepticism into the equation whenever I approach an issue with my own set of beliefs and cynicisms and expect someone who is my intellectual polar opposite to make sense out of all of it. Some of them actually meet the challenge by coercing me into viewing the problem in a different light and taking all things into consideration. Then there are those who just make matters worse; those who, in spite of all of their smartness, are more bent on forcing their views upon others as opposed to searching for truth from every possible angle. You know, the rigid thinkers. The ones who won't confess that their logic is faulty and baseless. The ones who have difficulty in appraising the differences between Michael Eric Dyson and Eric Jerome Dickey. In spite of my criticisms, I have discovered that these individuals have an incredibly large platform; they're allowed access at our universities, offered a seat on panels to discuss the progress of our communities, given the privilege of contributing as newspaper columnists, and requested to offer their opinions as television news journalists. Amidst all of the interlocution, the truth becomes obscured and exchanged for the sugary substitute that pacifies those not interested in (or prepared for) it's raw form. Hence, throngs of pseudointelligent disciples emerge to minister the gospel of diluted truth to lost and wary souls.
Now, in light of all of the propaganda that these false truths perpetuate, I am very grateful that there are people who are willing to stand for the actualization of an honest and equitable society (namely my former profs Drs. Chiquita Collins and Mattie Richardson). It is my opinion that anyone who is willing to render their life's work towards the proliferation of activism and understanding is considerably more commendable than any purveyor of senseless rhetoric.
Yep, that's just how I'm feeling.
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