It was alright, I guess. But all critiques aside, it did make me think of the proverbial 'death bed regrets' where one relishes over their lives and the things that they have not done and will never get a chance to do. So I began to ask myself, "What are some things that I would like to do before I die (or before I have kids... I'm sad that I consider the two to be synonymous)?" This is what I've come up with (so far, in no particular order):
1. Attend Howard University. For the longest time, I have had this desire to attend an HBCU. I recently obtained my bachelor's from The University of Texas at Austin, a school that boasts an African American population of approximately 4%. I guess one of the biggest fears that I had when considering HBCUs after high school was 1)the possibility of the school losing its accreditation, and 2)alienation from people of different cultures. I have since then come to realize the folly in both of these reasons (though accreditation still poses somewhat of a challenge to these illustrious universities). I am also thoroughly impressed by Howard's distinguished alumni. Perhaps I can become one of them.
2. Stop procrastinating. This has been a struggle of mine for a while now. I believe that this is the reason why I disliked the academic portion of my undergraduate career.
3. Stay out of debt. By the time I was 19 years old, I was already inundated with credit card debt. I stayed that way for the next 3 years. God has finally delivered me from my credit card debts and now I am beginning to exercise more responsibility in my finances. It is my prayer that I never get into more debt than I can handle, even if they are for business or school related loans.
4. Grow dreadlocks. As of December 12, 2008, I have been natural for 14 months. I have a massive afro which I LOVE. But, I can't help but to admire the gorgeous styles that I see many of loc'd sisters wearing. I am pretty sure that I am going to try them out, the question is if I'll punk out and start missing my puff.
5. Buy my own home. Pretty self-explanatory. I just hate moving and home-ownership is pretty important.
6. Travel. It's my prayer that I can see the world before I spawn dependents and my time is no longer my own. My preferences are Jamaica/St. Lucia, London, Paris, Rome & Japan. Oh, and I wanna go parasailing!
7. Learn my family's history. Right now I'm reading "Cane River" by Lalita Tademy. It's amazing how the author was able to trace her family's history back to the late 1700s. I don't have much knowledge of my family past my birth parents. I think it'd be pretty awesome if I could learn about the people whose blood courses through my veins.
8. Create a documentary on Civil Rights. Being a Black heterosexual female, I realize that I have rights*. However, with the recent election, there has been some discussion about Black bigotry and discrimination of African Americans towards another minority group. We'll see how this develops.
This list is just the tip of the iceberg... definitely more later. PEACE
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