These are the names of famous Afro-American women. There is room for many more... even Jessica Marie Elliott. Happy Birthday, my precious. Love, Dad.
His passing caught me at a very vulnerable time. I was 18 years old, and the almagation of his death, the pressures of applying to college and keeping up with the circle of friends that I had at the time had become too much. I slipped into severe depression and even contemplated suicide a time or two. I can remember how I applied (and got accepted to) Howard University in order to be closer to him (his family resides in New York City); shortly after his death, I learned that he had moved down to Houston to be closer to my brother and I. Our hearts were in the right place, but our paths never crossed due to an unnecessary lack of communication. I never want to feel that way again. I never want to let another person slip through my fingers without them being aware of the impact that they have had on me. It is my intention to let everyone know how much I love them and need them in my life before they are no longer mine to cherish in the physical realm. I urge you to follow suit.
See ya on the other side, Pops...
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